Mandy made her way through the University grounds and to the Merchant District where the old house called The Unnamable stood with its open gate and flying Mi-Go. I'm not sure if it was the steel she was packing or the adrenaline rush, but most people would have been struck with horror while facing the giant insect monster. But not Mandy. In one quick motion, the scholarly researcher released the clasps on her "violin case" and pulled out a Tommy gun, letting the case fall to the ground. The shrieks from the Mi-Go were muffled by the staccato song her gun sang and as quickly as it had started, the fight was over. Nothing remained of the otherworldly creature. But lying on the ground was a flask of holy water. How it got there, she didn't care. But it rested in her jacket pocket now.
Meanwhile in the woods, I discovered two clues that could help us close the gates. While searching the dark woods, I tripped over a rusty lock box. Inside the box was an old bottle of whiskey. I tucked it into my first aid bag, you never know what may come in handy in desperate situations. According to the clues I found, one must travel through the gate into the Other World and return to our world through the gate. Only then could the gate be closed. I had to get this information to Mandy right away.
Unless it was too late. After defeating the Mi-Go, Mandy approached the gate and was drawn into the swirling hole. She had been sent to the Dreamlands. The pinkish rays could have been damaging had she not menatally prepared herself by reading about the various Other Worlds in the mysterious books at the University. I just hoped she could withstand the harmful energies long enough to make it back to our world.

In the blink of an eye, a monster surge caused a Witch to emerge from The Unnamable gate and a Vampire to come out of the Independence Square gate. The magical powers of the surge must have been what kicked Mandy back into our world through The Unnamable gate. She was glad to be back alive, but now the Witch attacked. Again, Mandy was able to withstand the horror caused by the hideous she-monster. The Witch was lovely and terrible all at once. A strange light shone in her eyes as she chanted "Ia! Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The Goat with a Thousand Young!" With Tommy gun still in hand, Mandy sprayed the Witch with lead, dropping her instantly. After this kill, Mandy bent down and picked up what was left of one of the Witch's hands. Gross, but a trophy to prove what she had defeated.

Monsters in Arkham: 2/4
Monsters in Outskirts: 0/7
Terror Level: 0/10
AO Doom Track: 2/13
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