Joe left Hibb's Roadhouse and sneaked through the Easttown and Downtown streets until he arrived at Independence Square. He wasn't sure he could take out the Dark Young, so his plan was to sneak past it and enter the gate. Joe was pressed against the back of a tree when the trees around him began to tremble, leaves fluttered around him. The earth shook as the thuds of giant hooved feet grew ever closer. He was sure the loud beating of his heart would give him away, but the Dark Young continued its march past the grove of trees where Joe was hidden. As soon as the monster was past, Joe sprinted toward the gate and was pulled in and sent to The Dreamlands.
Mandy arrived in the Black Cave and successfully closed her third gate. Now only two gates remained in town.
When I arrived at the Unvisited Isle, the willows swayed in a wind I could not hear or feel, and for a moment, the hatred of those ancient trees for the invader who returned to their island drove me to my knees. The pilot of the small boat must have noticed me fall to the ground, for the next thing I remember, I was waking up once again in the Arkham Asylum. I must not have been as mentally recovered as I thought. It looked like I'd be spending a little more time resting. I had lost my cross somewhere between there and the island. And my Wither scroll was missing. What else could go wrong?
Meanwhile, Joe was dealing with his own encounter. After arriving in The Dreamlands, a Shantak swooped past overhead and raked its claws across Joe's chest. The pain was almost unbearable, but Joe began looking for the return gate. Now he needed to get back to Arkham not only to close the gate but to get first aid from me or the Hospital. Hopefully I wouldn't still be in the mental hospital when he found me!

Gates open: 3/8
Monsters in Arkham: 4/4
Monsters in Outskirts: 3/7
Terror Level: 2/10
AO Doom Track: 9/13